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Addy David 1966-1970 on Friends Reunited
Appleyard Eddie 1967-72
Arden John 1969-73 Mt S/sgt
Ashworth Frank 3 troop 1952-55
Baber Lee 3 trp 1989-96
Bahra Diljit 1969-71
Barclay Alex 1959-61
Bartlett Derek smokey 1959-61
Bergin Jeff 1959-1961
Berry Eric chuck 2 troop 1963-66
Bertuccelli Arthur Jock. 1959-61 R.I.P 2006
Blyth Andrew 1980-84
Blyth Richard 1983-86
Boardman Stan 1959-1961
Bowskill Jeffery 1966-67 Paderborn
Boyle Edward RAPC 1972-1975 (PHOTOS) (PHOTOS2) (PHOTOS3)
Bradley Stephen Brad 1975-79 on friends reunited
Brophy Sean. 1960-1963
Brown Michael 1984-87 PTI , Regt boxing team and Sqn coach . 1984-87.
David Charlie Brown 1960-68 3 troop signals store
Brown Steve 1973-77 3 troop spell in 1 troop
Bundock George Royal Signals Attached 1964-68
Burgin Michael 1965-66
Carter Nick 1963-67
Caldwell Bob 1 troop 1973-76
Chadwick Terry 1960-1962
Chapman Mark 3 troop 1968-72
Chave Gordon 2 I/C dortmund to iserlohn to paderborn
Chudley Ivor 1959-61
Clement David HQ MT 1975-78
Clough Trevor 1965-68 Passing June 2022
Collins Patrick 1960-62
Cook Alec 1980-85 lcpl sqms dept
Coupe John Cpl from May 70 till Sep 72
Crate Roger
Crawford Jim Brummy 1963-1968
Creighton Peter Sp/1 troop 79-82
Crooke Mike 1961-63 R.I.P mate
Dainty Phil (Pip) 1978-82
Daly Anthony (Arfur) 1991-96
Davis Bob. 1960-61
Davis Maurice, i was in paderborn 1965-1971 was in 2 troop
Davies Paul 1973-74 Bomb disposal
Dawes Michael also in HQ 1966-1970
Dent David 1959-1960
Dunaway Al 1 Tp 1988-92
Easley Ian  support troop c3s now cis jan 2002 - apr 2007
Edwards Tommy 1958-61
Elder Andy died 4 years ago
Etheridge Ray 1975-78
Evans Dave 3 trp 1974-79
Ewing George 1984+?
Falconer John (paddy) 1978-81 M.T.S/Sgt
Falconer Roy 1973-75
Flanagan Sean 1974-79 2 TP HQ MT
Foggin Pete Sigs Cpl and 2 troop 2 section cmdr. 92 - disbanded
Ford Jimmy 1troop 1970/73  mainly driver 11B (APC)
Forder Malcolm 1980-82
Fortunato Albert 1979-83 3 troop  (PHOTOS)  (PHOTOS)
Frame Ron 1959-1961 await contact details
Fraser Lyndon (George) 1959-64 plus 1966-70 R.I.P June 2024
Garnett Victor 1971-1975
Gilbert Paul 1974-1975
Ginnelly Al (gin) 1984-87
Gotts David 1960-1962 mainly in officers mess played football with Stan Boardman
Granger George 1961-63 HQ troop
Griffin Roy 3 Troop 1973-78
Hamilton John taff 64-66 and 75-78, passed 19 Jan 2000.
Harper Ron 1 Tp (I think) August 76 - July 79-Full Screw -Section Commander. Iserlohn.
Haydock John 1980s
Heath Jim. 1959-61
Herbert Robert 1964-1967
Higgins David Satch 1959-64
Hitchin Ken ?
Holden Bernard 1972-75
Honey Stanley (Ned) 1959-61 R.I.P 1961
Horne Brian 1974-76
Horstead Henry, 1963-65 1 troop
Howell Albert Taff 3 troop 1979-82
Howells Rowland 1981-83 3 tp
Hughes Jack 1957-59
Hughes Tony 1973-80
Hyland Geoff 1971-74 2 troop
Jackson Barry 1960-62
Jarrett Rab 3 troop 80-83
Jeacock Tony 1968-70
Johns Tim 1985-87 2 troop
Johnson Dave 1961-64
Johnston Les 1975-78
Johnstone Mark 2 Tp 1987-94
Jones Alan 1975-78 MT Cpl
Jones Carl 1982-84
Kerstien Carl HQ Troop. 1995- 1999
Lacey Mark 1985-88  (PHOTOS)
Lancaster Derek 1957-59
Lankshear David 1956-1959 Dortmund Iserlohn
Lawrence Hank dec 1961 july 62
lawsonClint 1970-73 2 Troop
Liddicoat Tony 1981-83
Lindsay Alastair 1982-85 please contact hank with contact details
Lloyd John 1966-1967 REME attached
Lockwood Barry 1960-62
Long Alfie. 1962-68
Lownes Robert R.I.P mid 1980s
Manuel Peter 74-77
Maslin Bob HQ 1 TP 1977-79
Mather Ken 3 Tp 1972-76 I ran the Naafi discos with Kev Highfield. 
Mayes Roger 1963-70 HQ
May-NE Spt Tp 1980-83
Metcalf Alan. 1964-1968
Milner Paul 1984-86 kieth Angus 's troop
Mitchell Barry 1960-61
McGillivray (Donny Mac) 1985-89
McLaren Alistair 1974-81
McNulty Gordon 1970-75
Molloy Ron 1964-67 on FB R.I.P June 2022
Moran Dave ginge 1980-82
Muir Tommy 1970-74 3 troop
Mursell Dennis 1947-49 
Muxlow Roy 1962-1966
Napier Gerald Commanding Officer 1967-69
Neill Paul 1 Troop 1972-76
Newman Bill 1967-69
Norman Jack 1959-61
Oliver Michael John (Ollie) 6sqn att for 97/98 Ireland tour
Page John taff 1965-68 2 troop
Parker Dicky 1975-79
Pass Sid 1975-78
Pateman Steve 1967-70
Pearce Simon 1972-75 HQ and 2 Tp
Penalver Dennis 1969/72
Phillips Bill Iserlohn 1975-79  PHOTO ALBUM
Pledger Clive. I served in 2 troop 5 fld sqd 26 ENG REGT at Corunna bks ISERLOHN  1975-81
Poole mucky David VW 1962-66
Porter Rob 1982-85 1 Troop
Potts Kevin 1959-61
Poulter Malcolm 1966-69 Planty
Reid Robert 1989-93
Reynolds Paddy Mt 1974 -1978 under Davy Jones and Mick Harness
Richardson Chris 1965-69
Riley Richard 1987 - 1992
Roberts Robbo 1966- 1970
Robinson Keith 1959-61 3 troop
Rose David 1966-69 on FR
Rotherham Bob 2 Tp 1964-67
Salisbury Peter 1970-1974
Sanderson Sandy 1986-92 MT HQ
Seavers Brian 1 Tp 1975-79
Share John. 1959-60
Sheppard Richard taffy 1965-70
Shorrocks Ian 1986-91 2 Troop
Sinclair Brian 3 Troop 1975-79
Sinton David 1968-71 1 Troop
Smaller Stan SQMS 1953-58
Smalley Terry 1 Tp 73-77  Staffy 83-84
Smith Andrew 2 Tp 1972-75 
Smith Eddie 3 troop 1962-65
Smith Rob 1982-85 1 troop await contact details
Smyth Raymond 1968-71
Spears Dennis (formerly King) 1970-75 2 troop
Stevenson Jimmy 1968-72 I served with 5 Sqn from 1968 in Allenbrooke Barracks in Paderborn detatched to Kiel for a year rejoined 5 Sqn in Iserlohn
Stillwell Adrian 1987-89 I served with 5 Sqn at Iserlohn as a Planty and Driver
Street Kevin 1 Troop 1973-76+ 79 drove Ferret 00EA85 for a few years
Stuart Shaun 90-92
Summers Alan 1959-61
Sutton John Derek 1961-68  nick name jimmy dean given by baz jackson 3troop mt nco then hq troop 
Swindail Chris 1983-86
Testa Tony 1960-64
Thatcher Phil 1968 I went to Paderborn in Nov 1968 and moved on to Iserlohn
Turner Michael 1960-61
Vaughan Derek 1969-74
Walker Mick 1983-88
Warren John. 1960-61
Warrender Ian HQ Troop 77-78
Watson Ralph (Winker) 2 Tp 1966-69 Passed 29 December 2011
Wharton Chris HQ tp from 83-89
Wheaton Kev 1984-91
Whelan Mick HQ 1976-80
Wilby Steve 1983
Wilkes Chris 1975-78
Williams Donnie 3 tp 1970-74 (PHOTO ALBUM)
Williams Mike 1976-80
Wilson Ron 1tp 83 ~ 85
Winter Steve 1978-1979
Woollatt Geoff OC 1969-70
Wright Bob  1Tp 94-98 Perham Down
Yeomans Steve 1970-1973
Young Dave jock 2 troop 1980-87


  1. hi.
    my names norman webb,even though i was not a member of 5sqdn but 2nd sqdn we were both part of 23 fld eng regt based at napier barracks dortmund,i was there from 1953-56 the cre.was a lt.col.carr who i believe was canadian. the rsm.was wo1 watson mm.the rqms was wo2 blackman who was also an instructor in the wireless school,it always seemed strange to me that we could never get any reception around moene see we could never get the 19 set into the bar.also
    people who took part in winter warfare training may remember the ski hut which we built at winterberg next to the open air ice rink,used to warm up in the old church of scotlands,DEW DROP INN.maybe a few older ones amongst us will remember the old wishes norman. w

  2. Alastair Lindsay 5 Fd Sqn RE 1982-85

  3. Ian Warrender HQ Troop 77-78

  4. I am Malcolm Poulter and I Served from 66 - 69 at Paderbourn and then moved down to Iselohn. Finished in 92 after 26 years having reached the dzzy heights of WO2, not bad for a "Planty"

    1. hi malcolm my name is phil thatcher i served there at thos times

  5. I am Taff Howells served with the Sqn from 81 - 83. Looking for people who served with me.

  6. I am Roy Falconer and server with 5 Fld Sqn in Iserlohn from 1973 to 1975. Searching for people who served with me

  7. Yes Mark 5 Fd Sqn does still exist at,
    22 Eng Rgt Perham Down Tidworth.

  8. clive pledger
    served in HQ troop and 2 troop 5 fd sqd from 1975 to 1979.
    would love to get to a reunion sometime.

  9. Dave (Jock) Young. Arrived Iserlohn end of 1980, and spent 7 years in 2 tp 5 Fld Sqn RE . I still live in Germany.

  10. Hi Dave will add you to roll call but need your contact details please. Use contact me link above left

  11. Bob Maslin HQ troop then 1 troop 1977-1979, Paderborn. Drove APC 432 and radio op.

    1. Remember you driving Morris water bowser on exercise and reversed into something and broke all the taps off back!!!

    2. Hi Bob
      I also remember on exersise possibly 1969 you driving the 1 ton water (Commer?) wagon and reversing it into another wagon breaking off all the taps!!!!
      Happy Days
      I was remonissing about this with Don Woodman (sadly RIP) a few years ago.

  12. 5 field sqn does not exist as it was... its now 5 armored engineer sqn, changed in 2007 just after telic 10.

    Dean Boyd 1 troop 5 sqn 2003-2007

  13. Hello Dean, please contact me via the contact Hank link and i will add you to the roll call.
    Also thanks for the info

  14. Arthur Turner 23601244,sapper driver B3/instructor.Arrived in Germany Dec 1960 to 5 F.S. from Longmoor, not the Railway Sec. with around ten of us from No4 Aldershot, based in the old Suez nissen huts looking after AER/TA fortnight camps.Left Paderborn 21 Nov 1960.Made some outstanding friends.

  15. Hi, I'm Dennis Spears (formerly KIng)(24179911) and I served with 2 Troop, 5 Fd Sqn at Corunna Barracks from 1970 to 1975. Did several tours in NI, plus Canada, Norway and Berlin during this period. Must admit this was one of the best tours I ever did. Ended my career after 23 years in 1992 having served in Waterbeach 1977-1978, Ripon 1975-1977, Nepal 1981-1983, Nienburg 1978-1981 & 1983-1985, Chattenden 1983-1984, Falkland Islands 1990-1992, Northern Ireland 1985-1988, HQ MWF Chilwell 1988-1990 All in all I had a great time, but I believe my best time was with 5 Fd Sqn. Can anyone remember these other 5 Sqn members John Roy, Clint Walker, Denis Penelver, Dave Cameron, Mick Wigan, Tich Ford, John Brooks, John Hickey, Spider Webb, George Bumblby, Scouse Burden, Bob Sherriff?????????

    1. HI Dennis. I remember you well and most of those you have named, add Steve Lilobaski. Steve Hoare, Guss Gunn, I served in 2 troop from 72 to 75. did Londonderry and Canada, Ottenstien and Stadtoldendorf. Have good memorys of Iserlohn. I ran the SQ bar for about 6 months Good times.
      Andy Smith

    2. Just seen my name mentioned tich Ford 1 troop 11B APC driver some great times in Iserlohn 1970/73 remember most of the names mentioned

    3. Hi Dennis (Tich Ford here) I remember most of the names you mentioned was in 1troop 11B driver some great times wish I could wind the clock back. Retired now

  16. Welcome Dennis Spears please contact me and i will add you to roll call. use contact hank link

  17. Hi, I'm Ronald (Ron) Frame,Spr 23536417 served with 5 Fld Sqd at Iserlohn and Paderborn 1959 to 1961. Anyone know the name of the barracks ?

  18. Hi Ron welcome please contact me with contact hank above as i will need some sort of contact details when i add you roll as the idea is to help you all make contact.
    best wishes

  19. Hi, Taff Roberts served at Iserlohn 1975-1979 with 5 Sqn. Bloody marvellous time !!

  20. Hello you Guy's
    I am Dave Ravey, I was in 26 FST, a Planty, we did all 5 and 25 dirty work. Was at Iserlohn 72-74. I did Driver training for the wives Club, while 5 was in NI. My claim to Fame. I taught Black Jack Vowles wife to drive. He was really pissed off. Finished as a Staffy. Drop me a line if we've met.

    1. I remember Black Jack Vowles I went to NI and stayed at Gosford Castle..I worked in the Tool Store under the block. I got in hot water when I picked up my wife's shopping at the NAAFI in a 432 yes good times apart from NI when I lost a mate there due to a accident

  21. Dodds Paddy 73-80 5fld sqd

  22. Adrian "Stilly" Stillwell Served with 5 Sqn from 87-89

  23. Mel Vasey HQ and 1 troop 72 to 75 N.I.and Canada

  24. I find that several of you are leaving these comments without contacting me with your contact details so making it impossible for me to put you in touch with each other.
    Use contact me link
    Hank Lawrence

  25. Hi Dennis Spears, I am Tommy Devlin 24179680 and I remember some of the lads you mentioned. I served with you in 5 field sqn 1970-72 in Paderborn and Izerlohn we also went to, Canada (Medicine Hat) and NI (Cosford castle). We also went to Berlin to (Smuts Bks) to do work at RAF Gatow.and made a day trip to East Berlin war memorial sites like Treptow park, the New Guard building the Bunker, Chalottenberg Palace etc.

    1. You must have served with me at Gosford Castle when we lost a sapper due to a acccident very sad

  26. 5/23
    Stan Smaller. SQMS 5 Fd Sqn, Napier Barracks,
    Dortmund May 1953 to May 1958.
    Anyone out there still hanging on ?
    E Mail

  27. ALAN JONES 5 Sqn MT Cpl Iserlohn 1975-1978

  28. Before I left in 2006, I was in contact with a lad who was a Sapper in 2 Troop in about 1983, he went on to become the OC of 5 Sqn in Tidworth in about 2004/5. not bad going really.

    Trev Andrew
    Ex 3tp 5fld sqn RE
    26 Engr Regt
    Corunna Bks
    Troopy Fawcett,Staff Charlesworth then Staff Headley, Sgt Eyres, Cpls Blue Crow,Al Prescott,Dougie Naismith,Keith Crocker,Ginge kay to name a few!
    REgards n REspect to all.

  30. Ken Mather
    I was 3 troop 5 squadron from 72 -76
    I ran the Naafi discos with Kev Highfield.

  31. Best wishes to all

    Photos at...

    Sgt Eddie Boyle, Sqn Pay Clerk 1972-75
    Again 1981-83 as Pay Office WO2

  32. Rob Smith [1982-1985] ish. 1 Troop,remember staffy G2 Wilkinson i can still hear him shouting HA. The section photo in the Falklands - jock Proven.jock Gorden.Taff Williams .Eric Bristow .Good Times.

  33. I search for may mother:
    Dennis Devany, Devanny oder Dewane. She can´t remeber exactly.
    He served at Iserlohn, Aldershot Baraacks anround 1960 and later at Paderborn.


  34. Hi
    Gareth Sanderson (Sandy) served with 5sqn from 86 to 92 with MT, HQ Trp.
    Best years and mates of my life :)
    Sapper til i die
    Be nice to hear from sold old friends :)

  35. Hi Andy Smith...good to hear from you. I recall you working in the sqn bar and the many drunken happy hours we had (start Fri and finish whenever. Truly great time by all.......

  36. Hi Tommy Devlin....what have you been up to all these years...please get in

  37. SAPPER DAVID (CHARLIE) BROWNOctober 16, 2012 at 6:44 PM


    hi..does anyone remember me i wonder. Trained and was a signaller from 1960 with 3 Troop,5 Field Sqn.ran the Signal store with Dave Dent until he left the unit and carried on with the same job till 1968,
    went from B3 sigs to RSI and lost my first Tape under a cloud at the Exercise where we built a Triple /Triple bailey brig.I think the Exercise was called QUEEN COBRA I remember that WO2 Fritz Conway was the SSM at the time and my premotion to full screw crossed in the postwith my reduction down to Spr.I had a few too many when i was called off of Vehicle Control with my A41 and was odered to take the names of anyone who couldnt pay for a hair downfall was being placed with the barber who kept buying me a Scnapps and Beer ...We were based in thelocal Guesthouse
    Just my luck....Would like to contact Spr SCOUSE DEACON and Spr TAFF HUNT (my best man)

  38. Hello everyone,my name is chris Wharton I was with HQ tp from 83-89.I spent 6 month's with 3 tp in the Falkland's in 83/84.Met some good lad's throughout the whole sqn.REspect to all.

  39. Welcome Chris Wharton please contact me via contact link above so i have an email address at least.

  40. Correction from Chris Wharton
    Hello Hank.I submitted some info about 5 fld serving in the Falkland's as the last BAOR sqn it was from 84/85 and not as I put 83/84 my apologie's.

  41. hi im Kenny Malone served there from 1964-1967 remember alfie long

    1. jock malone,i wonder do you remember me, taff page

    2. Jock Malone I was your APC (432) driver along with Jonnie Fisher, I also remember Chip Elliot. I also saw you at Ripon

  42. hi im Kenny Malone I served with 5field squadron between 1964-1967 I remember alfie long Kenny Malone

  43. Hi Dennis titch ford here I remember nearly all the ones you mentioned. I was 1 troop 11B 432 driver coming up to 70 years old now, hope you keeping well


Please contact ME Via the CONTACT FORM LINK ON THE TOP LEFT with your contact details when leaving comments (do not give out your email or phone number in comments)Hank Lawrence blog owner